A New View of Women's Sexual Problems:
A Teaching Manual
by Leonore Tiefer, Peggy Brick, and Meg Kaplan
This 80 page manual includes:
- About
the New View Campaign;
- Goals
and Objectives for New View Workshops;
- Alternative
designs for 1 hr, 3 hr or 6 hr workshops;
- Twelve
activities for classes or workshops:
- Warm-up
- 3
fact and opinion activities about women's sexual problems
- A
mini-lecture on 'the New View'
- 4
activities to explore the social and historical context
of women's sexual problems
- A
'Consumer Beware!' activity exploring sex drug advertisements
- 2
activities on putting the New View 'into practice'
- Activity
handouts including a case study, a sex drug promotional
ad (Zestra), the WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights,
and more;
- A
substantial Resources section including 8 short articles
(featuring our manifesto and Germaine Greer's 1/9/03
London Times piece, 'A woman's duty is not only to
have the sex she doesn't really want, but to enjoy
- A useful list of publications and websites
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